Su is now a 501(c)(3)

We finally did it! After a long and grueling process, we finally received our 501(c)(3) status which means that we are officially a legally recognized nonprofit! We are now tax exempt and your generous donations are now considered a tax write-off! We want to thank the many people out there who have supported us and donated your hard earned money.

At Strippers United, we are all volunteers and don’t get paid to do what we do, which includes: mutual aid initiatives; teaching s+rippers about their legal and labor rights at the club; helping s+rippers organize, access legal information, file for unemployment, answer questions when needed, create and coordinate community events and more.

Please consider donating and taking advantage of the tax write-off! Help us to continue doing the valuable work we do. Special thanks to AM, the queen of getting sh*t done . We appreciate all of you THANK YOU!


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WTF is the EARN It ACT?!