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Hi! Thanks for your interest in reaching out. We get a lot of inquiries and do not have the capacity to answer them all. Please read the below to increase your chances of getting a response!

If you are a journalist reaching out, please know that we typically only respond to journalists who have experience covering sex work. If you are interested in speaking with one of our collective members for a story, please include: details on your story, your angle, previous coverage of sex work, and a list of who else you will be speaking with for this story. If we are interested in speaking with you, we will respond.

If you are looking for a guide for reporting on sex work for journalists, you can find one here. Please read this before reaching out if you have not covered sex work before.

If you are looking for our consulting services, please include: details about the project, and your budget. We will respond to you if we have the capacity to take it on.

If you are interested in one of our collective members being on a panel or organizing one, please include: how participants will be compensated, the scope of the event, and the expected participation. 

If you are a student or institution, please check out our resources. Feel free to cite them and pay us for consultations. You can inquire about consultations in your email by contacting us.

If you would like to make a donation toward supporting our workclick here.
Your donations would be considered tax deductible as we are now an established 501(c)(3).